Spring Fling
Academy Curriculum
Week of 3/20/17

Click on the links below to continue the learning at home.

Collaborate Art Bunting
Children each paint on their own triangle (shape focus) to create a bunting.

Materials: Flowers in vase set up to invite the children to paint them. Paint, brushes and art paper.

Paint with Feathers
Materials: Feathers, Bird cutout, Paint

Flower Pot from Hand and Fingers

Play Dough Provocation with Loose Parts
Materials: Play Dough, Colored stars and popsicles sticks, google eyes. beads, feathers etc.
Supply realistic bird photos from the story "Feathers for Lunch" . Document with photos.

Feather Sorting
Materials: Colored feathers and corresponding colored craft foam mats.

Be a Bee Hat
Materials: Yellow and black construction paper, yellow poms large, black pipe cleaner

Spell Your Name with Pipecleaners

Pollenate with Dice Math Game
Dice, Yellow Pom poms as pollen, flower cut out
In a small group of three to four, give each child several "pollen". Each child takes turn rolling the dice and "pollenating" the flower until all children are out of pollen.
Materials- Shaving Cream, eye droppers, food dye, glass container
Combine fine motor and science! Ask the children to predict what will happen.