The Nest
Academy Curriculum
Week of 3/27/17

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Footprint Robin
Materials: Non toxic paint, feathers to glue as wings

Materials: Paper plates, Brown Paint, Seed, Twigs, Collected Nature Items, Raffia or moss

Feather Writing in Bird Seed
The picture is shown with sand, but we will be using small bird seed as our median for writing practice.
Materials: Wreaths, twine, raffia, faux eggs, bird figurines, moss
Lay all materials out . Provide photos of nests and let them create!

Feather Beading Provocation
Provide long stemmed feathers and beads. Set up as picture with a written provocation to bead.
Materials: Shredded paper or similar median, cutup pipecleaners as "worms", large tweezers or chopsticks for older groups, bird decorated cup to "feed"

Paint with Feathers
Materials: Feathers, Bird cutout, Paint
Materials: Bird Seed, Measuring Cups, Large containers, Funnels

Play Dough Provocation with Loose Parts
Materials: Play Dough, Colored stars and popsicles sticks, google eyes. beads, feathers etc.
Supply realistic bird photos from the story "Feathers for Lunch" . Document with photos.

Feather Sorting
Materials: Colored feathers and corresponding colored craft foam mats.

Materials: Play Dough, Nature Elements, Bird Seed, Feathers, Googly Eyes, Etc
Materials: Brown lunch bags and scissors. Add shredded paper and cut out eggs.

Teacher Directed Bird Craft
Precut shapes, Make a sample, and let the children mimic as they choose